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Jimmy Carter

Announcement email:
To The Carter Center:

In a few days, your office will receive a book titled "A Frog-In-The-Well Solution - The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: How the PEIS Plan will resolve this conflict once and for all". Please forward the book to President Carter's caretakers. I hope they can read some passages to the President because the path to peace in the Middle East started with his accomplishments.

Hopes for peace have been rare in the Middle East. One such rare moment was the 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty made feasible by the President's determination in the 13 days at Camp David. With that historical rapprochement, the wider Israeli-Arab conflict localized to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That conflict has continued with no end in sight and recently flared up with Hamas' October attack on Israel. The PEIS Plan offers a path not taken that will stop the Israeli-Hamas war, resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and bring permanent peace to the Middle East.

... PEIS Plan synopsis ...

... By sending the personalized special-edition book to President Carter via the Carter Center, I would like to introduce the PEIS Plan to the Center's Conflict Resolution Israel-Palestine team. If it finds merits, I request the President and the Center to do whatever influential to make the world aware of the PEIS Plan. Peace on earth is possible, but it needs everybody's contributions.

Let PEIS be with you,

Doc Ngu - The PEIS Plan


Bill Clinton

Contact Us Form (500 words max)
In a few days, your office will receive a book titled "A Frog-In-The-Well Solution - The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: How the PEIS Plan will resolve this conflict once and for all". Please forward the book to President Clinton, who led the signing of the historic Oslo Accords, the last declaration of peace between the Israelis and Palestinians in the 20th century. Since then, the peace process has gone nowhere; it even regresses with the Hamas attack on Israel. The PEIS Plan is a path not taken that can pause the war in Gaza and resolve the conflict in the West Bank.

... PEIS Plan synopsis ...

... If President Clinton and the Clinton Foundation find merits in the PEIS Plan, I hope to get your influential voice in making the world aware of this path not taken that will conclude the journey to Middle East peace Mr. Clinton started in 1993.


George W. Bush

Announcement email:
To the Office of George W. Bush:

In a few days, your office will receive a book titled "A Frog-In-The-Well Solution - The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: How the PEIS Plan will resolve this conflict once and for all". Please forward the book to President Bush, who has maintained a lifelong belief and support for democracy in the beloved U.S., in the simmering Middle East, and around the world. Despite the U.S. valiant efforts over decades, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains intractable; it even regresses with the Hamas attack on Israel. The PEIS Plan is a path not taken that can pause the war in Gaza and resolve the conflict in the West Bank.

... PEIS Plan synopsis ...

... If President Bush and the Bush Institute find merits in the PEIS Plan, I hope to get your influential voice in making the world aware of this path not taken that will not only bring permanent peace to the Middle East but also create a new country that will be a blank page for democracy and freedom to be written by a new generation of Palestinians.


Barack Obama

Contact Us Form
Your office will shortly receive a book titled "A Frog-In-The-Well Solution - The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: How the PEIS Plan will resolve this conflict once and for all". Please forward it to President Obama, the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize recipient. Despite the U.S. valiant efforts over decades, the peace prospect for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains dimmed; it dims further with the Hamas attack on Israel. The PEIS Plan is a path not taken that can pause the war and resolve the intractable conflict.

... PEIS Plan synopsis ...

... I hope President Obama finds merits in the PEIS Plan and lends his influential voice in making the world aware of this path not taken that will bring hope and peace to the people of Israel, Palestine, and the whole Middle East.
