REVIEW Why Would The Isrealis Purchase The West Bank?

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This section was written way before the Hamas Oct 7, 2023 attack on Israel. The subsequent articles broach how the PEIS Plan applies to the Israeli-Hamas Gaza War.


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- **Historical Significance**: The West Bank, known as Judea and Samaria to Jewish Israelis, holds deep historical and religious significance, dating back to the ancient Kingdoms of Israel and Judea.

- **Current Status**: The West Bank is considered occupied territory by the international community, and Israelis living there are subject to military law rather than civilian law.

- **Challenges**: The Israeli government faces difficulties in annexing the West Bank due to the presence of 3 million Palestinians and the potential loss of Israel's Jewish character.

- **Moral Dilemma**: Many Israelis struggle with the ethical implications of the occupation, feeling complicit in the discrimination and persecution of Palestinians.
