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This section was written way before the Hamas Oct 7, 2023 attack on Israel. The subsequent articles broach how the PEIS Plan applies to the Israeli-Hamas Gaza War.


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Here are the key points from the page:

- **Economic Manipulation**: Israel uses economic measures to weaken Fatah's political standing, exacerbating perceptions of corruption and incompetence within the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority (PA).

- **International Isolation**: The Fatah PA struggles to gain support from the Arab world and relies heavily on humanitarian aid from the EU, which criticizes both Israeli actions and PA governance.

- **U.S. Policy Shifts**: The U.S. has shown strong pro-Israel tendencies, especially after 2016, affecting funding and diplomatic stances, though recent administrations have attempted to restore balance.

- **Internal and External Challenges**: Fatah faces declining support domestically and limited backing internationally, complicating its ability to govern effectively.
