REVIEW Israel's National Identity

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This section was written way before the Hamas Oct 7, 2023 attack on Israel. The subsequent articles broach how the PEIS Plan applies to the Israeli-Hamas Gaza War.


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Here are the key points from the page:

- **Israel's Identity**: Israel is defined as a "Jewish and democratic state," balancing its identity as a homeland for Jews with democratic principles for all citizens, including Arabs and Bedouins.

- **Political Dynamics**: The ultra-religious and extreme-right parties have significant influence, often acting as kingmakers in coalition governments. Their goal is to establish a theocracy based on Halakha.

- **Economic Impact**: The purchase of the West Bank under the PEIS Plan will require financial contributions from all sectors of society, potentially reducing the political influence of ultra-religious communities.

- **Arab Israeli Involvement**: The PEIS Plan encourages Arab Israelis to become more politically active to protect their rights and leverage their economic status in an expanding Israel.
