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This section was written way before the Hamas Oct 7, 2023 attack on Israel. The subsequent articles broach how the PEIS Plan applies to the Israeli-Hamas Gaza War.


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Here are the key points from the current page:

- **Wealth and Philanthropy**: Israel has a significant number of millionaires and billionaires, many of whom have philanthropic foundations that can support various causes, including land and property purchases in Israel.

- **Immigration and Economy**: Israel's robust economy has attracted many wealthy immigrants, with about 2,500 millionaires moving to Israel in 2022.

- **PEIS Transfer Plan**: This plan involves a gradual transfer of the West Bank to Israel, starting with Area C, then B, and finally A, over many years.

- **Crowdfunding and Recognition**: The plan includes crowdfunding efforts and public recognition to attract donations from both small contributors and wealthy individuals.
