PLAN - Messages to US Government Entities
White House
Submissions to the White House are limited to 2,000 characters.
The PEIS Plan is a path not taken in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Existing two-state or one-state proposals have failed because they slice and dice the same territory. The PEIS Plan solution is to introduce a new piece of land:
The PEIS Plan proposes that Egyptians sell part of the Sinai Peninsula to the Palestinians and use the proceeds for the economic development of the rest of Egypt. The Palestinians sell the West Bank to Israel and use the remittance to pay the Egyptians. They combine the purchased Sinai territory with the Gaza Strip to form a contiguous New Palestinian nation. The Israelis buy the West Bank from the Palestinians, and finally fulfill their immemorial yearning for the “Land of Israel.”
The Plan resolves all the intractable issues of the conflict and produces two countries, New Palestine and a new Israel, standing side by side in neighborly friendship. Israel may apply the PEIS Plan template to secure peace with Lebanon and Syria and get something it has never known since its inception: a country at peace with all its neighbors.
My recommendation:
1) Have your team review the PEIS Plan
2) If merit found, have Israel pause bombardments and incursion into Gaza
3) Invite Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Egypt to review the PEIS Plan
4) If merit found, let Israel cordon off Hamas in Gaza but allow humanitarian aid through
5) Declare a formal PEIS Plan peace negotiation between the 3 parties under your auspices
6) Go from there
President Carter started the hopeful journey to peace with the 1978 Camp David Accords. If 6) results in a signed agreement, President Biden will go into history as the leader who brings this arduous journey to the happiest ending - yes, peace in the Middle East. This includes Iran. With the Palestinian issue removed and the whole Middle East focusing on prosperity, Iran will find itself silly talking about nuclear weapons: It will join the party.
Review the PEIS Plan at
White House FYI
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Subject: The PEIS Plan, the path not taken in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Dear ...: I am forwarding you this letter submitted to the White House. I hope to get your additional support. == cut here == The PEIS Plan is a path not taken in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Existing two-state or one-state proposals have failed because they try to slice and dice the same territory. The PEIS Plan solution is to introduce a new piece of land. The PEIS Plan proposes that Egyptians sell part of the Sinai Peninsula to the Palestinians and use the proceeds for the economic development of the rest of Egypt. The Palestinians sell the West Bank to Israel and use the remittance to pay the Egyptians. They combine the purchased Sinai territory with the Gaza Strip to form a contiguous New Palestinian nation. The Israelis buy the West Bank from the Palestinians, and finally fulfill their immemorial yearning for the “Land of Israel.” This piece of Sinai resolves all the intractable issues of the enduring conflict from the status of Jerusalem to the return of the Palestinian diaspora, and produces two countries, New Palestine and a new Israel, standing side by side in neighborly friendship. Israel may apply the PEIS Plan template to secure peace with Lebanon and Syria and get something it has never known since its inception: a country at peace with all its neighbors. My recommendation to you, Mr. President, is to: 1) Have your administration quickly review the PEIS Plan 2) If merit is found, contact Israel to pause bombardments and delay incursion into Gaza 3) Invite Israel, the West Bank Palestinian Authority, and Egypt to quickly review the PEIS Plan 4) If merit is again found, have Israel cordon off Hamas in Gaza but allow humanitarian aid to go through 5) Declare the start of a formal PEIS Plan peace negotiation between the 3 parties under your auspices 6) Go from there President Carter started the hopeful journey to peace with the 1978 Camp David Accords. If step 6 above results in a signed agreement, President Biden will go into history as the leader who brings this arduous journey to the happiest ending of all times - yes, peace in the Middle East. This includes Iran. With the Palestinian issue removed, all other Arab countries opening trade with Israel and New Palestine, and the whole Middle East focusing on prosperity, Iran will find itself alone and silly talking about nuclear weapons: It will join the party. Your administration can review the intricate PEIS Plan at == end cut == Dear ... If you see merit in the above submission, please introduce it to your connections. Sincerely yours, Doc Ngu - The PEIS Plan
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