MESSAGE - Better Than Trump's Plan

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02/14/25 Template

The PEIS Plan is a novel three-state solution that will stop the war in Gaza and resolve the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict once and for all. It is as out-of-the-box as President Trump's plan to take over Gaza under the dubious authority of the USA. Unlike Trump's, the PEIS Plan is a viable solution with full international legality. The PEIS Plan was published a few weeks before the October 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, but the peace idea did not get traction against the backdrop of reciprocal killings. Trump is putting the search for a Middle East solution back into play with his seemingly off-the-cuff and highly controversial takeover plan. The PEIS Plan is a game changer plan, researched over many years, and unlike Trump's, comprehensively answers all the issues about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, not just Gaza.

In one stroke, the PEIS Plan resolves three Middle East problems: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Gaza war, and the Egyptian financial crisis. It then opens a vista of peace and prosperity across the whole region.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is called the most intractable in the world because two peoples, the Israelis and Palestinians, fight for the same piece of land - the West Bank. Every one-state or two-state solution that sliced and diced that piece of land over eight decades had failed. The PEIS Plan takes a different approach: It introduces a new land.

The PEIS Plan stands for the Palestinian-Egyptian-Israeli-Sinai peace plan. It proposes that Egyptians sell the "bad" part of the Sinai Peninsula to the Palestinians and use the proceeds for its stalled economy. The Palestinians sell the West Bank to Israel and use the remittance to pay the Egyptians and build a New Palestinian state that combines its Sinai purchase with the Gaza Strip for a new country that is 50% bigger than Greater Israel, six times larger than the landlocked West Bank, contiguous from the Mediterranean Sea on the North to the Gulf of Aqaba on the South, free-standing with an unrestricted air space, and ample enough to welcome home the returning diaspora with homestead resettlement and additional land compensation. The Muslim Quarter in Jerusalem belongs to this new nation as its cultural capital. The Israelis buy the West Bank (minus the Jerusalem enclave) from the Palestinians and finally fulfill their immemorial yearning for the "Land of Israel" with Judaea and Samaria under full international recognition. There will be no expulsion of Palestinians out of the transferred West Bank: Those who choose to stay will have the New Palestinian citizenship and Israel's native residency - a special status that grants non-citizens all the local rights of a citizen.

Egypt retains the best part of Sinai - the Suez Canal, the Red Sea Riviera, and the southern inland region. It sells the northern region, which has been a money pit plagued with Islamic insurgents and Gazan refugees, and the eastern area by the border with Israel. (Let's refer to this region as the PEIS Sinai.) For the sale, it receives tens of billions or more. Unlike IMF bailouts with all the strings attached, the PEIS Sinai money comes to indebted Egypt free and clear, allowing President Sisi to realize his pharaonic dreams for his country during his lifetime.

Egypt will not be Israel's neighbor anymore. Between them is New Palestine, constituted by a contiguous combination of the PEIS Sinai and Gaza. The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza then become political parties of New Palestine. They, the exiled Palestinians, representatives of the refugee diaspora, and the native Bedouins convene to draft a constitution and other laws for the new nation. The ensuing elections will fill in the positions for governance.

Palestinians will get to keep the West Bank and Gaza, and gain the PEIS Sinai for free. Gazans can stay in Gaza to rebuild the Strip or move to the PEIS Sinai to build a new country. In all cases, the Gazans are "home" inside New Palestine. As for the West Bankers, they can emigrate to New Palestine or stay in the West Bank as long as they wish. The PEIS Plan calls for the sale of land and governmental facilities to Israel, but not private properties on top of the land. As Israelis populate Judaea and Samaria, they have to purchase these properties at market prices. Evictions and forced sales are strictly prohibited by the native residency laws inscribed into Israel's Basic Laws. On the other hand, Israel may want the Palestinians to stay, since after getting the land, Israel needs workers.

The biggest issue for Israel is to find the money to pay for all this. The PEIS Plan is not cheap, but is it expensive? Every year, Israel spends over $20 billion on its military, and once in a while, there are flare-ups, such as the Gaza war, which costs Israel over $50 billion, not counting the loss of lives and reputation. Would some of this money be better used to secure peace and Judaea and Samaria forever? The cost of the PEIS Plan is huge, but not a lump sum. There is an initial "down payment" and annual "mortgage payments" over the negotiated number of years. The "down payment" can be made from Israel's treasury, state borrowing, its sovereign fund, contributions from citizens and the Jewish diaspora, and worldwide fundraising for peace. With the Palestinian issue resolved, the Abraham Accords expand to include all countries in the Middle East (maybe even Iran). As having the more developed economy, Israel will be in a pole position to profit from regional peace and prosperity. Adding the savings from military reductions, it can afford the annual "mortgage payments".

The creation of New Palestine removes the rationale for animosity between Israel and the Palestinians. Hamas will release all Israeli hostages and Israel can free all Palestinian prisoners.

President Trump may be right by looking at the Middle East's history-laden issues from a real estate prism. At its most simple, the PEIS Plan is just a three-way real estate transaction. For its intricacies, please visit the PEIS Plan website ( or search "PEIS Plan by Doc Ngu" online.
