Palestine Conflict - Query to Chicago Review Press

Frog In The Well | Palestine Conflict | Query | Outcomes
Chicago Review Press, Chicago, IL / Contact



  • Prospective authors:
    Chicago Review Press works collaboratively with our authors and we pride ourselves on developing longstanding author-publisher relationships. Chicago Review Press authors are engineers and reporters, toy designers and teachers, lawyers and bloggers, and so much more. They have been the recipients of the Pulitzer Prize, the ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award, regional and national Books of the Year, the Georgia Author of the Year, and more.
  • Featured History & Politics books
Submission guideline:
In order to consider your nonfiction book for potential publication, we need to see a proposal that includes the following items: ... You can e-mail your nonfiction proposal directly to one of the acquisitions editors listed below: ...

Reasons for submission:

  1. Publisher accepts direct submissions from authors
  2. Publisher mentions "engineers" in the list of previously accepted authers
  3. Publisher has a decent History &Politics books
  4. Publisher is in Chicago
01/21/2023: query emailed to Alicia Sparrow (
