BOOK - Awards and Reviews Applications

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Wish me luck!


If you don't apply, you cannot win. But ... if you don't apply, you will never lose.

First DateAwardLast DateExpectationOutcome
01/15/24 2023 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards 03/22/24 -- Not Finalist


If you write a book and nobody knows about it, does it ever exist?

First DateReview SitesLast DateExpectationOutcome
02/19/24 Foreword Magazine Review 02/19/24 July 2024
02/19/24 Booklist Review 02/19/24
02/19/24 The Notable Books List 02/19/24
03/15/24 BookViral Reviews 03/18/24 -- SKIPPED
03/16/24 Midwest Book Review 03/16/24
03/17/24 New York Times 03/17/24
