Frog In The Well - The Book

Frog In The Well is a book about my ideas how to resolve some of the intractable conflicts in the world. I hope the book will be my legacy to future generations. Yes, peace to the world is achievable. 

 At the time of this writing, I am finishing the last chapter of the book, and will need to revisit the first chapter on Crimea due to the ongoing war. I finished that chapter some time ago, but now the conditions on the ground have changed for the worst. 

This is my first book, so I don't have an agent yet. Once the draft is finished, I 'd better find one to get the book published. I should probably work on that search while still writing, but the rejections would sap all the joy of writing.


  1. I did submit a cover page a couple of months ago. The reply was timely and nice, but the message was well-known to first-time authors: "good luck".


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